End of the season

Although  some pilgrims are still passing by and although the weather has improved again, reluctantly we had to close up today until the beginning of the next pilgrimage season in 2018.

We have enjoyed many interesting encounters with the three or four hundred pilgrims who have stopped here for a while in the course of the last few months. We hope that they have also received some joy, inspiration or comfort from their short moment with us. As we look at the photographs of many of our visitors, pinned to the wall of the abri, we think and pray for them as they continue their journey, to Santiago, and through life.


Et encore dix !

Voici les dix pèlerins qui nous ont rendu visite aujourd’hui – un jour pluvial !  Un de nos amis du village les a dirigés vers nous. (Cliquer pour élargir.)

Here are the ten pilgrims who visited us this wet day. One of our friends in the village directed them to us. (Click to enlarge.)

Seize pelerins de Montpelier

Seize pèlerins de Montpelier ont pris leur piquenique  chez nous aujourd’hui. (Cliquez pour élargir la photo.)

Sixteen pilgrims from Montpelier took their picnic at our place today. (Click to enlarge the photo.)

Un beau message

Nous n’avons pas rencontré les deux pèlerines qui nous ont laissé ce beau message aujourd’hui :

Merci, grâce à vous nous étions à l’abri des maux de ce monde pendant quelques minutes.

Je ne sais pas si elles faisaient allusion à la pluie ou aux affaires plus profondes ; peut-être les deux !

Le dernier bol de figues

The last bowl of figs

During the last few weeks our fig tree has been producing more figs than we can eat. So we’ve been leaving a bowl of figs at the front gate for the pilgrims to take. But now they’re finished. This is the last bowl. The tree looks tired and is preparing for the approaching winter!

Pendant les semaines récentes, notre figuier produisait tant de figues que nous ne pouvons consommer. Alors nous mettions un bol de figues à l’accès du jardin pour les pèlerins. Voici le dernier bol. Le figuier semble fatigué et se prépare pour l’hiver qui s’approche!

La semaine de Penny et Richard

Penny et Richard était à Emmaüs la semaine dernière. Ils écrivent:

There are two things which have particularly struck us during our week here. The first is how appreciative the pilgrims have been of the new facilities and of the welcome they receive. The second is exemplified by a solitary pilgrim this morning, who had been here a little while before we realised. She said she was really enjoying the silence and the atmosphere and had found a reflection sheet to read about the silence of God which she would meditate on as as she walked. Soon afterwards another pilgrim commented on the stillness and serenity of the space and when I explained that we prayed there every morning, said ‘viola’!

Voici quelque pèlerins qu’ils ont rencontré pendant la semaine. (Cliquer à fin d’élagir les photos):

Dix pèlerins de France
Huit pèlerins de France et Luxembourg



Christian et Beatrice



Hanna and Leon