A return visit!

Today Ingrid and Lars stopped by for a coffee. It was their second visit to Emmaüs; the previous occasion was 5th May last year! Lovely to meet them again.

They are from Sweden – now living in Stockholm but previously just two hundred km from the Artic Circle. For environmental reasons they had travelled from Stockholm to Bordeaux by train – a 24-hour journey! They commented that the railways of Europe needed to get their ticketing better linked-up and coordinated.

Easter Monday – our first pilgrim visitors

Three pilgrims stopped by today. Our first visitors for 2019. Two of them were looking for bread, all the shops and the bakery being closed today…..!

I like to think Easter Monday is also the Emmaüs feast day, when the two disciples, Cleopas and another (perhaps his wife, Mary) met Jesus on the road after His Resurrection.

Here again is the painting by Paul Cyr of Jesus meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and which hangs in our shelter.