Nine happy pilgrims

On August 21 this group of nine joyful pilgrims relaxed and had their lunch chez nous. They stayed for a couple of hours. Lots of interesting conversation!


Parmi quelques visiteurs ces derniers jours – Roci et Daniel, Nathalie, David, Véronique – je mentionne particulièrement Jérôme qui s’est arrêté au début du matin hier (16 août). Il est prof comme profession, ce-qui est pour lui une vocation. Entre autres choses nous avons parlé des religions différentes. Pour lui les croyances – les quatre ‘accords’ – de l’ancienne civilisation des Toltecs en Mexique sont très attrayantes. Par la suite nous avons récité la prière du matin ensemble.

Among our visitors these last few days – Roci and Daniel, Nathalie, David, Véronique – I mention in particular Jérôme who came by yesterday morning (16 August). He is a teacher by profession, something that is for him a vocation. Among other things we discussed different religions. Four him the beliefs – the four ‘agreements’ – of the ancient Mexican civilisation of the Toltecs are particularly attractive. Afterwards we said morning prayer together.


More recent visitors

A group of six friends together with two companions-for-the-day stopped by four days ago. Unfortunately Eduardo was not in the photo as he was very tired and went to sleep on the floor of our oratory.

Then Magali stopped for a short while two days ago – a fluent German and English speaker. She was missing her three cats at home.


Yesterday Margarite and her parrain (godfather) Olivier enjoyed their lunch in the shelter, out of the hot sun that we had that day.

Olivier and Margarite

While today a group of eleven pilgrims, all friends from Belgium, decided to stop for their lunch. The had heard of our accueil through a mutual acquaintance and in fact as the conversation proceeded we discovered several mutual acquaintanances with Heather – mostly through the Anglican Church in Luxembourg. The three young men in the party decided to press on to Maslaq, the destination for the day, so they are not in this photo.

Eight from Belgium. Heather is the second on the left.

To everyone: ultreaia

Edith, Marc et Manfred

Nous n’avons même pas rencontré Edith, Marc et Manfred qui passaient hier et qui ont écrit cette belle message encourageante:

‘J’allais désespérer de ce village si long à traverser et pas même de quoi se désaltérer et voilà ce magnifique lieu : que Dieu bénisse ceux qui y veillent ! Mille remercies.’

I was going to despair of this village so long to cross and not even enough to quench my thirst and here is this magnificent place: God bless those who watch over it! A thousand thanks.

Some recent visitors

Few pilgrims in recent days, but a few days ago, on July 28, morning prayer was very late. Happily a group of 9 pilgrim friends – a family of six, a married couple and a priest – stopped by to join us for prayer – wondering if the prière du matin notice was a blague. Sadly I did not get all their names or their permission to post their photo here.

Then yesterday, Saturday, three (very) young ladies from Paris and Nantes stopped briefly.

Aujourd’hui, dimanche, une jolie famille – Tanguy, Séverine, Tiphaine, et Miriam – ont pris leur repas chez nous. Ils habitent un village dans l’Auvergne. Nous avons parlé de la catastrophe du Bréxit, de la Christianisme de nos jours et pas mal d’autre choses. Tanguy travail pour le Secours Catholique. Il expliquait comment l’accent de cette organisation est en train de changer de ‘travailler pour’ les personnes en difficulté plutôt vers ‘travailler avec’ ces personnes. Les voici :

Tanguy, Taphaine, Myriam et Séverine

Un peu de temps après Elisabeth est arrivé. Elle travaille comme prof en Tanzanie. Elle explique que, pendant son pèlerinage, elle fait le camping mais ne se sent jamais en danger. 

Pourquoi nous avons toujours plus ce visiteurs les weekends que pendant les semaines ? C’est un mystère.